Who we are
Three brands. Nine products. One compliance ecosystem.
Introducing a revolutionary compliance ecosystem that brings together three of the most trusted brands in the industry. Our integrated products and services cover every aspect of compliance, from risk assessments to supply chain management.
When everything works together seamlessly, you can spend more time on the things that matter to your business. That’s why our products have been designed to integrate with each other, helping you save time and cost, ensure compliance, and keep your people and property running at peak performance. Better together. Only at SRC.
Compliance without compromise
We create next generation property compliance by fusing clever consultancy with cutting-edge technology, so our clients can grow.

Qualified, experienced, hands-on support.
Whatever you need, our team makes it happen. We offer you unrivalled expertise and quality consultancy rooted in extensive experience. With a substantial team of consultants across all areas of health, safety, and fire, we are a formidable strength in the industry.
Seamless integration between consultancy and technology.
William Martin consultants use brilliant data capture technology which ensures better, faster, and more insightful reports. Actions from your risk assessments and surveys are pushed into Meridian, so you can track your actions in real time and take quick, decisive action.
Local knowledge, national strength.
Since 2004, William Martin has earned a reputation for trust and reliability. We’re the perfect partner for businesses of all sizes – from those managing just a few properties, to large enterprises with complex needs.
Discover more Book a free consultationMeridian
Track your health and safety risks in real time.
With Meridian, you can easily upload and store all your H&S documentation in one secure location. Track when inspections are next due and manage the resulting remedial actions within the Action Management module. Say goodbye to spreadsheets, and hello to a streamlined solution that simplifies your workflow and saves you time and money.
Ditch the paperwork and focus on what really matters.
Whether you’re a Property Manager managing a single building or a H&S Director responsible for hundreds of buildings, Meridian’s user-friendly dashboards allow you to drill into exactly what to do and when to do it. You can see what’s overdue or non-compliant in a single click. Less paper, more work.
Get the Board on board.
It’s crucial that you can demonstrate your compliance. With bespoke dashboards and reporting, you can easily keep your stakeholders informed, allowing you to spend your time driving real progress. And because everything in Meridian is audited, you can see exactly who’s done what and when.
Discover more Book a free consultationProsure360
Your entire supply chain, all in one place.
Prosure takes the strain of ensuring your suppliers and contractors are in good shape: our expert team audit their core health & safety compliance, and Prosure tracks other crucial indicators like insurance certificates and financial health. That means all your core supply chain documentation is safe and secure in one place, updated in real time, and accessible from anywhere. And with that insight, you can make faster decisions and spend your time on the things that matter.
Go beyond the basics. Ask suppliers whatever you need to know.
For the first time, Prosure360 goes beyond industry-standard SSIP questions, letting you ask specific questions which are entirely unique to your business. Need all your suppliers to sign your organisation’s Sustainability Charter? Worried about reputational risk, and keen to ensure all your suppliers pay the Living Wage? Whatever you need to know, Prosure has you covered.
A better experience for suppliers, and for you.
Our focus on engagement and support sets us apart from the competition. Unlike other platforms, we don’t force your suppliers to conform to rigid processes. Instead, we offer guidance and support to ensure that they can successfully navigate the accreditation process. The user interface is fast and intuitive. And our membership benefits give your suppliers another great reason to use Prosure. This approach fosters positive relationships with your suppliers, ultimately leading to better business outcomes for everyone involved.
Discover more Book a free consultationPowering better buildings
We manage property through the power of people and technology, giving our clients the freedom to unlock the potential of their assets.
CAFM+ Service Desk
CAFM backed by humans: an unbeatable combination.
CAFM systems streamline the management of facilities, buildings, infrastructure and assets. At Elogs, we go beyond. Our CAFM is backed by an in-house, 24/7 Service Desk who proactively own jobs all the way, ensuring nothing gets dropped. Human, high-powered, handled.
Full visibility on all your facilities management activity.
Manage any number of sites, properties, and assets at a glance. Store all your documentation, track actions, and see comprehensive audit trails so everyone stays informed. Our solution ensures you can build high-performing assets while we do the hard work.
Integrate with other Marlowe SRC products for even better productivity.
When you use CAFM+ Service Desk with Prosure360, you can easily appoint verified and compliant service providers. Via Occupier Portal, you can enable tenants to seamlessly log building issues. And with Meridian, remedial actions from audits flow directly into CAFM. Better together; only at Marlowe SRC.
Discover more Book a free consultationFacilities Services
Fabric maintenance managed efficiently, cost effectively, and to the highest quality.
Learn moreFacilities Services
Streamline all things related to fabric works.
We take responsibility for the operational management of your fabric maintenance requirements, so you can maximise efficiency, improve employee utilisation, and take control of your workday.
Maximise compliance, minimise risk.
By auditing your supply chain, health & safety documentation, and performance of contractors, we significantly reduce risk in your business. And with UK-wide coverage and 24/7 backup, we’ve got you covered.
Significantly reduce your accounting administration.
We keep it simple with a single monthly bill, and the option of individual invoices on a site-by-site basis, so that your accounting costs are significantly reduced.
Discover more Book a free consultationOccupier Portal
Improve your engagement with tenants.
With Occupier Portal, managing your building and communicating with tenants has never been easier. From visitor management to event booking, it provides a range of features to streamline building management and enhance communication with tenants.
A better experience for your visitors.
Make it easier for front-of-house staff to manage visitors, print visitor passes, and alert the relevant person in the building to someone’s arrival. Or with Kiosk Mode, visitors can check themselves in and out hassle-free.
Works seamlessly with CAFM+ Service Desk.
Occupier Portal integrates with Elogs, which means you can enable tenants to log and track building issues via the portal. Tenants can therefore keep track of job progress, rather than asking site management teams to log jobs and provide regular updates.
Occupier Portal Book a free consultationSafe in our knowledge
We give our clients the resources and support they need to master complex legislation and create impactful change within their organisation.
A single source of truth for legislation amendments.
Our simplified and up-to-date portal provides current legislation with the most recent changes wrapped into one document, including historic amendments and revocations. We identify those changes for you with coloured icons and highlighted text so you always know what you’re looking at and why.
No need to interpret legal jargon. We tell you what you need to know.
We provide you with plain-English and factual breakdowns that tell you what the legislation means and help you understand what you need to do. This contains a short summary to understand the detail and any changes. On every page, we pull together all of the relevant guidance documents, drafts and consultations, and links to related legislation.
Easily find the exact information that you’re looking for and sense check its relevance.
Our portal categorises legislation by topic, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. If you then find you have any questions about legislation, we have a team of legal expert writers who are on hand to help you out with your queries.
Discover more Book a free consultationComprehensive
Access relevant guidance, legislation and standards in one place.
Our authoritative library is updated daily and provides you with legislation, guidance, trade associations and British, Irish and International Standards. You can also create your legal registers from pre-populated templates, use our legislation and consultation diary to prepare for upcoming changes, and receive a weekly briefing containing industry news, updates and recent prosecutions. If you bookmark any documents, you will receive an instant email alert if they are amended or superseded.
Take control of compliance and implement important frameworks.
We give you the tools to put important compliance frameworks in place for your business. Our range of editable and downloadable resources includes legislation summaries, country quick facts, technical guides, template policies, gap analysis tools, model policies, risk assessments, and checklists. No more spending time researching, interpreting, writing, and updating your own – simply download and use ours straight away.
Influence your company culture and communicate everyone’s responsibilities.
We provide ready-made and editable materials that communicate with all levels of your business. Take advantage of eLearning, directors’ briefings, employee factsheets, toolbox talks, editable weekly newsletters, and whiteboard videos to ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities and retains the information.
Discover more Book a free consultationConsultancy
A tailored build of your legal registers, and aspects & impacts register to put you on the right track.
Our specialist team can build your bespoke legal register based on your activities and your site locations. They will detail what the legislation is and why it is relevant to you. You’ll also receive a compliance action plan. If you need an aspects & impacts register, we can help identify the aspects associated with your activities, as well as the products and services which could impact the environment. We can then look at the risks and opportunities and produce a register which ties it all together.
Take the pressure off updating your registers.
In addition to our legal register build service, we provide an additional Managed Update Service. Our consultants will update your legal register to ensure it‘s always current, freeing up your time and providing you with confidence in your register. This includes a compliance obligations register and register revision tracker.
Ensure fresh and accurate knowledge on crucial compliance areas.
We offer training courses that cover all the main legal requirements that you need to know within environment or safety. Suitable for all levels of knowledge, you can simply refresh your knowledge or use this training to support your managers. Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.
Discover more Book a free consultationWhy we’re the go-to compliance ecosystem
properties supported
clients across the UK
risk assessments completed per year
of Europe’s top property management companies use us
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